A Fiber Filler
Alltherm's most recent innovation is a new product called Ultra-Fill. It is a modified version of our Ultra-Z product and will be used to fill in the openings around the rollers that move hot steel slabs down a tunnel furnace. This insulator is very similar in both components and properties to Ultra-Z. There are other products in the marketplace, but they are very expensive and require the furnace to be cooled before application.
When hot spots develop within your refractory lining it effects the efficiency of your furnace. However, even if your fiber is deteriorating, you do not necessarily need to replace the damaged refractory. Through the use of our innovative spray-able ceramic fiber insulation coating we are able to extend the life of your furnace lining. Alltherm knew they could develop something that would be more cost efficient for our customers.
Cost Savings
Ultra-Fill saves customers money in a variety ways:
Costs about half as much of our competitor’s product
Less downtime
Reduced energy cost
Can be applied to a hot surface so no production downtime is required
Saves energy by creating a tight seal around roller openings, keeping the heat inside of the furnace.
Other than cost savings Ultra-Fill has additional benefits such as:
Good chemical resistance
Thermal shock resistance
Low thermal conductivity
Low heat storage
Speed and ease of installation
Increased efficiency
Upgraded lining
The installation process combines a mixture of soluble fibers with a chemical binder, and can be applied to a several refractory linings that are including, but not limited too:
Casted end walls and doors
Ceramic fiber linings
Ladle lids
Tunnel furnace linings
Roller openings
Ladle preheater walls